



1.       引言:



2.       +教学模式的重要性:




3.       +教学模式的常见问题:

1.       学生方面


2.       教师方面


4.       +教学模式在中职英语课上的具体实施:

为了尝试+模式在中职英语课程当中进行实践,笔者设计了一45分钟英语听说课的教案(详见附录),旨在将英语语言知识和市场营销专业理论在英语课堂上结合。本节课选自教材《高等教育出版社英1基础模块》。此教材八个单元主题均与学生日常生活息息相关。本节课教学内容选自教材第三单ShoppingListening and Speaking部分,听力材料是一段发生shop assistantcustomer之间购买衣服的对话。下面笔者将详述本节课的设计思路。

1.       学生情况


2.       教学目标




接下来是跨文化理解能力,学生在本节课将会了解中西方购物节的区别,并对自己的营销专业学习充满自信。在导入部分,学生通过和教师free talk了解11月有两个大型购物节,分别是中国的11和西方的黑色星期五。通过比较这两个购物节的异同,学生能体会中西方文化差异,并培养跨文化交流意识。而在听后环节,学生模拟开店并吸引顾客卖出商品,又能让学生对本专业充满自信。


3.       课堂创新点:


第二个创新点为信息化技术助力沉浸式情境体验,帮助学生巩固和拓展知识。在这节课上,ppt、手机、平板这些信息化手段都有用到,目的是为了更好地模拟真实情境,让学生们沉浸式体验售货员和顾客的角色。首先,教师ppt中展示了卖六种不同商品的店铺让学生选择;其次,学生用到手机和平板电脑模拟购物情境。其中,手机是用来电子支付的,在学生的对话中pay with the cell phone, show the payment code这样的表达,而平板电脑是售货员用来介绍零食店内的各种主打零食供顾客选择。这种沉浸式体验不仅能吸引学生兴趣,还能让学生深入参与到活动中,提升英语运用能力和专业知识水平。

5.       结语:



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[2]       张景,,蔡大. 职业教育高质量发展路径创新探[J]. 教育与职,2022,1014(14):36-40.

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Module 1 Unit 3 Shopping

(Listening and Speaking)










高等教育出版 1 基础模块

Student analysis


The students are in their first year in vocational school, majoring in Marketing. They show great interest in English learning and are willing to interact and comm-unicate. However, they do not have a good mastery of the English language, and they have poor knowledge about their future business working environment.




Workplace Language Communication Ability

1.       Students will be able to have a good understanding of common sentences to sell and buy goods by learning the listening and speaking strategies.

2.       Students will be able to promote goods to customers in English, using some specialized theories.

Perception of Difference in Thinking Ability

1.       Students will find the key elements in choosing different goods and understand customers needs in sales.

2.       Students will understand the limitations of buying goods online.

Cross-cultural Understanding Ability

1.        Students will know the difference between Chinese and western shopping days.

2.        Students will be confident in their major of marketing.

Autonomous Learning Ability

1.       Students will be able to improve their extensive listening ability and intensive listening ability by using listening strategies.

2.       Students will be able to develop problem solving ability by acting as a salesperson.

Teaching focuses


Lead students to practice listening for detailed information about shopping as well as using some useful expressions to buy and sell goods.

Difficult points


Lead students to categorize the different types of sentences about shopping.

Teaching approaches


Task-based teaching method; Student-centered approach; Computer-assisted instruction

Teaching aids


PPT, whiteboard, a multi-media computer system, table PC

Teaching and Learning Design



Teachers activities

Students activities

Purposes & Strategies

Step 1

Lead in

(2 mins)

1. Have a talk with students: Double Eleven has passed by recently, and Black Friday (the western Double Eleven) is coming. They are online shopping days. So what do you often buy online?

2. Summary: There are many things that we can buy online on Double Eleven, especially shoes and clothes.

Talk freely with the teacher. Some students are invited to talk about the things they bought on Double Eleven.

Be clear about the topic of todays class.

To increase the students interest, activate their background knowledge of this topic, and let them know the difference in western and Chinese shopping days.

Step 2


(8 mins)

1.       Ask students to match the five pieces of information of a sweater with the five aspects:


A. It is a sweater.

B. It is red.

C. It is made of cotton.

D. It is a medium one.

E. It is 150 yuan.

(1)       type of clothes

(2)       material

(3)       color

(4)       size

(5)       price

Encourage students to think about the aspects of choosing clothes.

2. Question: Mary recently bought this sweater online, but she is not satisfied with it. Do you know why?

Lead students to tell the limitations of buying clothes online and show them the advantages of buying clothes in shopping malls.

Match the pieces of information with the different aspects, and try to tell the five aspects as the key elements of choosing clothes.

Brainstorm and find why people are unsatisfied with the clothes they bought online.

To make students know the five aspects of choosing clothes by matching.

To make students aware of the limitations of buying clothes online and the advantages of buying clothes in shopping malls, in order to make them prepared for the listening part.


Step 3


(20 mins)

Extensive listening:

Let students listen to the conversation and tell what clothes the customer is buying.

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Listen to the conversation, take notes if necessary.

To enable students have a basic understanding of the listening material and develop their listening ability.

Intensive listening:

1.       Let students listen to the conversation again and find out the answers to the following questions:

I. What size is the customer?

A.25 B.30 C.35

II. How much is the pair of jeans?

A.160 yuan.

B.170 yuan.

C.180 yuan.

III. How does the customer pay?

A. By cash

B. By credit card

C. With his cell phone.

2. Play the tape again, ask students to underline the sentences about shopping and categorize them into five types:

a. greeting

Hello, how can I help you?

b. type of clothes

-Id like a pair of jeans, please.

-How about these? Theyre very popular.

c. size

- What size are you?


d. price

-How much are they?

-170 yuan. Theyre on sale now.

e. payment method

-Can I pay with my cell phone?

-Please show me your payment code.

Listen to the conversation carefully to get the detailed information about shopping and take notes if necessary.

Underline the sentences about shopping and categorize them into five types while listening.

To enable students to have a better understanding of the listening material.

To make students get familiar with these common sentences about shopping.

Step 4



(14 mins)

1.       Let students read the conversation, and ask them to pay attention to the sentences about shopping.

2. Give students another situation: Change the type of clothes from a pair of jeans to jacket, the size from large to small, and the price from 170 yuan to 180 yuan. Ask students to work in pairs and role-play the shop assistant and the customer, and make a conversation to buy and sell the jacket.

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3. Give students more sentences about shopping, ask them to read and try to use them:

May I help you?

Is anything on sale today?

Im sorry, we dont have any discount today.

How much is it?

4. Show students six different types of goods  clothes, books, snacks, fruits, stationery and beverages. Divide students into six groups and ask them to choose the goods they want to sell. Then ask students to act as sales-persons to introduce and promote their goods to classmates, using some knowledge in marketing, such as the 4C theory. They need to show their goods using table PCs. Let the other classmates come to their stores to buy goods and pay by real phones.

Read the conversation and focus on the sentences about shopping.

Work in pairs and role-play the conversation in another situation.

Read and learn the sentences.

Act as sales-persons and use the newly-learned sentences to sell goods with table PCs and phones.

To enable students to summarize how to express in English when selling and buying things.

To make students have a better mastery of using the sentences in conversation.

To make students familiar with more expressions in shopping and prepare them for the next activity.

To make students able to use the sentences in the real workplace related to their major with new technology. Enhance their confidence in workplace.

Step 5



(1 min)


Ask a student to summarize the sentences they have learned today and the five aspects in shopping.


1.       Finish the exercise book from p30-33.

2.       Search more expressions about shopping and copy them in the exercise books, share them with classmates in the next class.

Look back on the knowledge in the class with the teacher.

Take down the homework.

To make students revise the newly-learned knowledge.

To make students consolidate the knowledge learned today.



Unit 3 Shopping

Five types of sentences about shopping

Shop assistant


a. greeting

Sentence 1:

b. type of clothes

Sentence 2: ...

c. size

d. price

e. payment method



1.       All the teaching objectives are realized in this class.

2.       Students take great interest in this class. They interact actively with their classmates.


Some extended sentences about shopping are too difficult for students to understand and use in such a short time. Next time the sentences can be easier.

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